3 results for month: 02/2015
Free Business Advice
At some point and time, you're going to need business advice. More then likely, you'll need it often, especially when your business is growing and needs direction. Our professional team at Exit Strategy USA has been giving business advice for decades. For just as long, we've been helping business owners just like you. There's a lot of moving pieces to any business, from start-up companies to major corporations. Knowing what, when, where and how can be the difference between success and failure. Every business has different needs and there's a lot of factors that can be included in the equation. Having a professional business consultant in ...
Business 101 – The Basics
The Prime Directive of Business
My first business adventure started with my little red wagon when I was about 11 years old. In the summer, my dad would buy fresh vegetables from farmers and I’d load up my wagon and pull it around the neighborhood -- “Fresh Vegetable’s, Fresh from the fields”, I’d say. Hardly a Fortune 500 endeavor, but the essence of entrepreneurship, I’ve got something you want, and when you buy it I make money.
I think of those days often, and the lessons I learned as a teenager. And what was that all important lesson? As a mentor would later say to me, it was simple, “Nothing happens until you sell ...
Selling A Business
“Yep, I’ll sell my business for the right price, if someone offers me enough money”
How many times have I heard that statement…… a lot, heck I’ve even said it. But that’s not a strategy to maximize the value of your business, nor is it a solid strategy to get those millions of dollars into your checking account. Selling your business takes effort, preparation, and serious planning.
WHY DO YOU WANT TO SELL? That is often the first question asked by a buyer. And you better have a great, not good, but Great Answer. Your answer could very well set the tone for negotiations. Here are some answers I’ve heard ...