Evergreen Working Capital

Bob Bacon — your local advisor

Bob is Evergreen Working Capital’s Business Development person primarily responsible for the southern half of Louisiana and the general Gulf Coast Region.  Bob has 40 years of financing experience in this market area, providing financing primarily to small and medium sized commercial businesses (many are oil, gas, and marine related firms).

It is Bob’s objective to search out commercial businesses, which need assistance with their daily cash flow.  These can be seasoned companies or start-ups, who are trying to grow rapidly or who just need help in covering the time gap between when they incur expenses versus when they receive payments from their commercial customers.

Evergreen’s philosophy is “When banks can’t, Evergreen can!”

PS:  This includes cashflow financing for companies in or even contemplating bankruptcy reorganization.

Bob Bacon

Evergreen Working Capital, LLC

PHONE:  (337) 989 7050 (forwards to cell or voice mail)

E-MAIL:  [email protected]

FAX:  (337) 981 2659

345 Doucet Rd., Ste. 200

Lafayette, LA   70503
